Why We Love Bunk Beds!
They are fun. When siblings share their place with each other Bunk Beds are definitely a great solution. Not only do they save plenty of space in the room, but kids love sleeping on them. They love to climb the ladder and often take turns for sleeping on the upper bunk.
Bunk beds have many advantages over single beds, but the most important one is that they just take the area of one bed leaving room enough to add some storage a dresser, a desk, or simply allow for more indoor play space for the kids.
Bunk beds come in many shape and sizes, but we prefer straight forward wooden versions which now at pkolino.com you can even choose a theme and customize/personalize to make them different and special.
You may wish to choose a comforter with a capped corner, which allows for the top bunk to be easily made. Do remember to the mattress size and thickness, all Bunk Beds sold in the USA will have a label explaining the right dimensions for your Bunk Bed.
Safety is always our priority, so make sure to follow the assembly instructions and user guidelines. These are great products and that is why we love Bunk Beds.
At P’kolino we make our Bunk Beds with FSC certified wood to make sure we are taking care of our forests.
Bunk beds have many advantages over single beds, but the most important one is that they just take the area of one bed leaving room enough to add some storage a dresser, a desk, or simply allow for more indoor play space for the kids.
Bunk beds come in many shape and sizes, but we prefer straight forward wooden versions which now at pkolino.com you can even choose a theme and customize/personalize to make them different and special.
You may wish to choose a comforter with a capped corner, which allows for the top bunk to be easily made. Do remember to the mattress size and thickness, all Bunk Beds sold in the USA will have a label explaining the right dimensions for your Bunk Bed.
Safety is always our priority, so make sure to follow the assembly instructions and user guidelines. These are great products and that is why we love Bunk Beds.
At P’kolino we make our Bunk Beds with FSC certified wood to make sure we are taking care of our forests.
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