7 Toys From The 80’s That You Will Still Want To Buy For Your Children

The 1980s are fondly remembered by many who grew up during that era. The toys were so memorable that many of those kids, now all grown up and parents themselves, are looking for toys for their children like the ones they remember from their childhoods.

Here are a few favorite toddler toys from the ’80s that you can still buy for your kids today.

My Little Pony

These equine favorites were beloved by many girls in the 1980s. With colorful bodies and equally colorful names, they made themselves memorable. They’ve gone through a few changes over the years, but you can still find My Little Pony today, albeit smaller and less horse-like than those so fondly recalled from the ’80s. 

My Little Pony

 Little People

They were such simple toys, just a wooden or plastic cylinder with a head on top, yet they captured the hearts of many boys and girls. Their play sets were as much fun as the toys themselves, with houses, farms, garages, and more. You can still get Little People today, although their fat, hollow plastic bodies won’t be familiar to you — someone evidently decided that toddler toys of the original size and shape were a choking hazard.

Little People

Star Wars toys

Star Wars toys were popular during the 1980s, and in later decades became very valuable to collectors, as they maintained their popularity even after they weren’t being made any longer. With new installments to the original trilogy being made, new toys are available again, everything from action figures to Lego sets.

Star Wars toys


When ’80s kids were little, Etch-A-Sketch was their version of a tablet. Do you remember the challenge of trying to draw anything with a diagonal line or circle in it? These toys are just as much fun for today’s kids as they were for kids in the ’80s.

Lincoln Logs

These basic, unassuming wooden toys may not have seemed like much, but kids in the ’80s could have hours of fun building and tearing down houses of every shape and size. The most fun was to be had when you combined toy sets and made wooden log houses for your army men or My Little Ponies. These toys are so basic that they have never gone out of production, and can still be purchased for your kids today.

Lincoln Logs


Tonka Trucks

Many boys, as well as many girls, remember those bright yellow-painted metal trucks. Whether you had small trucks that you could carry between your two hands, or trucks big enough to sit on, these trucks have been favorite toddler toys for decades. You can still get big trucks for your toddlers today, of course, and the plastic probably is cheaper and safer than the metal trucks of the ’80s and earlier, but part of us will always wish our kids could experience those trucks the way we did.

Tonka Trucks

Playskool Kitchen

All parents should sip imaginary tea and eat imaginary food at least once in their lives. Parents in the ’80s patiently waited while their kids served them from their Playskool kitchens, plastic sinks and stoves with plastic dishes, plastic food, and plastic silverware. There are many play kitchens on the market today, but none seem quite the same as the Playskool kitchens of the ’80s.

Playskool Kitchen

There are many great toddler toys on the market today, but for parents who grew up in the 1980s, the re-imagined toys from their own childhood are often the most compelling. If you’re really lucky, you still have your childhood toys packed away somewhere, and someday you can show your kids what you played with as a child in the ’80s!

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